A Legend retold through the arts of body
L’Orphelin is an adaptation of a historical event referred to as The Orphan of Zhao. Among all the versions that retell the same tale, which one is the closest to the truth of what actually happened to the orphan of Zhao?
Nominations and Awards
2019 The 12th Hong Kong Theatre Libre – Best Overall Performance
2019 The 12th Hong Kong Theatre Libre – Best Director (Wong Chun Tat)
2019 IATC (HK) Critics Awards – Best Director of the Year (Wong Chun Tat)
2019 The 12th Hong Kong Theatre Libre – Best Male Lead Actor (Sun Chi Hung)(Nomination)
2019 IATC(HK) Critics Awards – Production of the Year (Nomination)
Approximately 1 hour long without intermission
Physical, performed in Mandarin with English and Chinese subtitles